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Non-Candy Easter Basket Carrot Bubbles

Hot Mess Express Mom

Easter is right around the corner. Check these out, with some green ribbon added to orange bubble wands you have cute carrot looking bubbles. The bubble wands are $1 each at Michael's Stores. They have a variety of color to choose from. These are a great non-candy item you can add to an Easter basket or they can be fun goodies for your little one's friends or classmates. We will be giving these to B's friends and cousins for Easter.

Below is my version. These are so simple and super affordable and how cute!

Easter Basket

I bought the bubbles at @Michaels for $1 each. They have all different colors but I bought all orange.

I bought green ribbon at @Michaels too, they have so many options so get creative here!

All you have to do is tie the ribbon on the bubbles, the cap has a hole in it so it's easy peasy. The hardest part was trying to take a picture worth showing...B wanted to get his little hands on those bubbles during the photo shoot.

Easter Basket

Easter Basket

Easter Basket

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